Monday, May 10, 2004

I'll Have Seconds

There is a new controversy out there, apparently. It is the concept of "Managing Your Anorexia." That is, learning to make it part of your happy and productive lifestyle. To me that sounds suspiciously akin to "Managing Your Head-On Collision," or "Drowning With Dignity," or "Bathing With Small Plug-In Appliances." I guess I regard it as one of those psychological disorders that you need to be cured of, not live your life around. I suppose I should visit the websites, but you know me, I'd rather speculate. Perhaps There is advice on where to shop for Size 0. How to pretend you're eating at the family Thanksgiving dinner. Excuses to make when people tell you you're too thin. ("I spent my food budget on really expensive swimsuits!") With an obsessive type disorder like anorexia I can't imagine it would be useful to tell sufferers it's okay to be that way. They're already unhappy with how they look. Now they'll be unhappy and adamant. They may even demand the right to marry other anorexics. Tonight Hubby cooked the boys an anorexia-friendly snack. It was "Bagel Bites" that somehow came out of the toaster oven looking like cremated mulch patties. The odd thing is that so many of us in America can't fit into our clothes that anorexics look like they're from a different species. Or perhaps from Sweden. People at an ideal weight, or "normal" in this country tend to look really thin. Hey I can't fit into my pre-baby clothes yet, either, but I'm not about to adopt the Anorexia Lifestyle to fix that problem. Cellulite is not a dirty word. It's just a word with a lot of L's!